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Soundproof panels
(Sound Insulation)
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Acoustream™ XR2 CL
Panel composed of a 10 mm polypropylene honeycomb core, caught between two layers of 4 or 6 mm cork rubber, and 4 mm plywood outer skins.

Acoustream™ XR2 CB
Panel composed of a 10 mm polypropylene honeycomb core, caught between two layers of 3.5 mm baryta rubber and 4 mm plywood outer skins.

Acoustream™ Eco L
Panel composed of a 4 or 6 mm cork rubber core and 7.5 mm plywood skins.

Acoustream™ Eco CL
Panneau composé d'un noyau en caoutchouc liège de 4 ou 6 mm et de peaux contreplaqués de 7,5 mm.

Acoustream™ Eco CB
Panel composed of a 3.5 or 6 mm barium rubber core and 7.5 mm plywood skins.
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